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Concurso Nacional de Innovaciones INNOVAR

INNOVAR Argentina is a national competition designed as a platform for launching products and processes that are distinguished by their design, technology or by their degree of originality

INNOVAR 2015 Presidency of the Nation Argentina

Award in the category: Applied Research

Antibacterial surfaces activated by visible light

E. N. Durantini, M. B. Ballatore, J. E. Durantini, M. B. Spesia, M. E. Milanesio, M. Gervaldo, L. Otero

INNOVAR 2017 Presidency of the Nation Argentina

Award in the category: Applied Research

Antimicrobial nanomagnets activated by visible light

A. C. Scanone, E. N. Durantini, N. S. Gsponer, M. G. Alvarez​

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